Wednesday, September 17, 2008

YW benefits from Day of Caring

Hundrends of volunteers dedicated their afternoons to giving back to their community in an unique way.

Each year, the United Way of Central West Virginia hosts the Day of Caring. It's a way for corporations and businesses to support non-profit agencies that receive United Way funding through a hands-on experience. These volunteers get to see firsthand how their financial support benefits the area's non-profits.

The YWCA is proud to be a part of the United Way network. We are thankful for the annual volunteer support we receive through the Day of Caring. Over the years, our programs have benefited from volunteer work with new landscaping at our facilities, newly painted interiors and safer playgrounds.

We thank those who support our agency through our partner, United Way, and who took the time out of their busy work schedules today to volunteer at our facilities: the Child Enrichment Center (CEC), The Shanklin Center, Past & Present, Resolve Family Abuse Program and Sojourners.

It's through your financial support and volunteer efforts that we are able to continue to provide the critical social services programs to thousands in the Greater Kanawha Valley each year.

Pictured are: State Farm Insurance employees at CEC: (front row) Scott Lipford, Lee Greenhowe, Bobby Robinson, Angie Cooke, Jocie Longinger, Tim Conley and Shannon Cazad; (top) Sharon Templeton, Susan Miller, Mary Beth Conley, Patricia Paul and Robin O’Dell

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