Organized by the YWCA Resolve Family Abuse Program, this demonstration along Kanawha Boulevard will urge the Charleston community to take a stand against this horrific and incresingly prevelant societal problem. In past years in West Virginia, domestic violence related homicides occured at an average rate of once every two weeks. In 2006 and 2007, this statistic skyrocketed to once every 8 days.
We must join together – men and women – to address the causes of domestic violence and raise our collective voices to create a community that no longer tolerates the use of violence in relationships. We are all stakeholders and advocates in the fight for peace and safety in our homes and neighborhoods.
The “Silent No More” demonstration will be held on Thursday, October 2 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm along Kanawha Boulevard between Leon Sullivan Way and Morris Street. A vigil and reception will follow from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at the YWCA on Quarrier Street. The vigil will include remarks from community leaders, testimonials from domestic violence survivors, inspirational songs and a keynote address from West Virginia Secretary of State Betty Ireland.
The purpose of the evening is to:
- Stand in protest against the devastation of domestic violence
- Remember those whose lives were tragically lost as a result
- Raise awareness about the prevalence of domestic violence in our community and our state
- Celebrate survivors and the hundreds of individuals and organizations that helped them through their struggle.
We invite you to both participate in the silent protest and attend the vigil.
There are many ways to let your voice be heard. Take a stand against domestic violence.