a conversation dedicated to eliminating racism and empowering women.
The goal of this celebration of our area childcare professionals is to raise awareness about the important role childcare providers play in the healthy development of young children, the stability of working families and the future of the state's economy. According to Saturday's Gazette article, researchers at Marshall University found that for every dollar West Virginia spends toward a high-quality early childhood development system, the state can expect a $5.20 return through higher academic achievement and future earning power and fewer juvenile delinquents and high school dropouts.
Take a Flower to Childcare Day is part of KIDS COUNT’s Kids First Communities Campaign, a statewide effort to build broad public support for new state dollars to improve childcare. In the Kanawah Valley, the YWCA Child Enrichment Center serves as the regional leader of the Kids First Communities campaign.
It is so important to recognize the critical role childcare providers are playing and support their efforts to provide the highest quality of care possible. If you don't have a childcare provider but simply wish to show your support, we would welcome your flower at the YWCA Child Enrichment Center at 201 Donnally Street in downtown Charleston. Join us in recognizing the importance of early childhood development and showing childcare providers how much we appreciate them!
Because these highlights represent only a fraction of the wonderful successes our programs had over the last year, we invite you to read the Annual Report to see the rest for yourself!